Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat?

Everybody needs food and water to live. We can find many sort of diets, some include meat, other only vegetables or simply a mix de vegetables and meat. There is old saying “We are what wEe eat”
For this reason people must choose the best diet according to their requirements. The hard question is: Meat or Vegetables? Or maybe
A vegetarian diet is as healthy as a diet containing meat?

To begin with the vegetarians think their diet is the best, healthful and nutritionally adequate. The Australian Vegetarian Society consider that vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat as scientific studies show that vegetarians suffer much less from illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and other common health problems.

Furthermore The American Dietetic Association according to recent studies show that vegetarians (on average) are thinner and have a lower body mass index than non-vegetarians. Also vegetarians have a lower risk of developing heart disease and 24 per cent less likely to die from heart problems comparing with people who eat meat.

On the other hand non-vegetarian believe that people choose to exclude meat must plan their diet carefully to enhance available nutrients particularly iron and zinc. These nutrients are not found in large quantities in the vegetarian diet. Meat is a rich source of these nutrients, proteins and contains all the essential amino acids required by the body.

According to the Australian Nutrition Foundation Studies show that people who eat a wide variety containing meat of food types are healthier, live longer and have a reduced risk of developing illness. Food variety means eating a mixture of foods across the whole range of food types such as vegetables, fruits, meats, diary products, grains.

In conclusion my personal opinion is that there is no difference between eating meat or not, the importance about this is that people need to learn how mix the variety of food and how affects in their body. The goal is to make healthy choices because many of our most common health problems are related to these choices for instead too little protein can interfere in the growth and other body functions and too much fat lead a heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

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